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Hangzhou steamed buns-thin skin and full stuffing, endless taste

  • Product Code: hangzhou-008

Tags: Hangzhou steamed buns steamed buns Chinese cuisine Chinese snacks local snacks local snacks unique snacks

As a traditional famous point, Hangzhou steamed buns are famous throughout the country for their thin skin, full fillings and delicious taste. Hangzhou steamed buns have a long history and have already taken shape as early as the Southern Song Dynasty. After hundreds of years of inheritance and development, Hangzhou Xiaobao gradually formed its own unique manufacturing process and the specialties. Today, it has become one of the representative delicacies in Hangzhou and even the whole Jiangnan region.

as a traditional famous point, Hangzhou steamed buns are famous all over the country for their thin skin, full fillings and delicious taste.

I. History and inheritance

Hangzhou Xiaoxiao has a long history and has already taken shape as early as the Southern Song Dynasty. After hundreds of years of inheritance and development, Hangzhou Xiaobao gradually formed its own unique manufacturing process and the specialties. Today, it has become one of the representative delicacies in Hangzhou and even the whole Jiangnan region.

II. Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process of Hangzhou steamed buns is very exquisite, and it is full of ingenuity from material selection to production. First of all, choose superior flour and pork, and after fine processing and processing, make delicate noodle and delicious fillings. Then, wrap the stuffing into noodle and gently pinch it into a small and exquisite steamed stuffed bun shape. Finally, put the steamed buns into the steamer and steam them with a strong fire to get out of the pot.

iii. Special taste

Hangzhou steamed buns are characterized by their thin skin, full fillings and rich soup. With a gentle bite, you can feel the as thin as a cicada's Wings Noodle and delicious soup burst in your mouth. The pork in the filling is tender and juicy, which is in sharp contrast to the taste of noodle. At the same time, the soup of Hangzhou steamed buns is also unique. It is prepared with the essence of soup and pork and tastes delicious.

IV. Cultural significance

Hangzhou steamed buns are not only a delicious food, but also carry Hangzhou's profound cultural heritage. It reflects Hangzhou people's love and pursuit for food, and also reflects Hangzhou people's love for life and fine attitude towards life. In the streets and alleys of Hangzhou, you can see many steamed buns shops, which use traditional crafts and authentic ingredients to bring tourists and citizens delicious steamed buns.

V. Tasting suggestions

when tasting Hangzhou steamed buns, you can mix some vinegar and shredded ginger to improve the flavor. Vinegar can neutralize oily feel of the soup, while shredded ginger can add a hint of fragrance. At the same time, when eating steamed buns, be careful not to burn your mouth. You can bite a small mouth first and let the soup flow out before tasting it slowly.

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